Make It Famous – The PondHawks “Invisible Stranger”

Make It Famous – The PondHawks “Invisible Stranger”

The PondHawks released their pandemic song of inspiration and warning regarding this crazy virus during the first wave of isolation. Now it has again become a relevant issue as the second wave hits hard. Once again we find people fighting for their lives and needing inspiration….the kind The PondHawks supplied the first time around. Music is a powerful commodity and The PondHawks know how to use their musical power to make a statement and get a point across.

The PondHawks consisting of Mario Novelli and Jorie Gracen  are an outer Chicago based duo known for their colorful story telling lyrics and their vibrant and exquisite harmonies. It is also apparent that in almost all of the songs they write that their top influence is that of the Beatles. The talented two use their musical abilities to climb high on the reverbnation charts and have been Grammy nominated. Recording in a studio that is rumored to be haunted, the two create their own unique sound of pop, rock and synth while sending their own message driven melodies to their loyal fan base which is over 600 thousand….making them the most popular indie group in the world.

“Invisible Stranger” pops. It hits you in the face and then climaxes all over you. Strangely enough it’s up beat melody tries to fool you ….and it does for a while. Then you delve into the lyrics of the song and at first you’re unsure whether or not to be scared or inspired. However, all the while you know it’s an awesome tune regardless. It stays inside your head for a time which to me is the main ingredient of a great song. The PondHawks used this time of isolation to create and to add another hit to their destiny. I’m looking forward to their next journey as an actual fan girl.

5/5 Stars

Listen to “Invisible Stranger” by The PondHawks on Reverbnation here:

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