
5 Reasons Why Darren Aronofsky’s Mother! Is Still My Favorite Movie From The Past 3 Years

The Acting, Particularly Michelle Pfeiffer and Jennifer Lawrence, Is Top Notch

Okay, first off, mother! may have been the movie that ruined Jennifer Lawrence’s career. Or at the very least, put it on hold. Before mother!, Jennifer Lawrence was literally the girl on fire. But after mother!, she decided to take a pretty long hiatus from the limelight. But why?

Well, it’s definitely not because of her performance, since it’s impeccable in this movie. In fact, it’s probably the best she’s done since Silver Linings Playbook, especially since she’s supposed to represent a distressed and brutalized Mother Earth (more on that later). Actually, all of the acting is top-notch. Ed Harris as a grieving father (and stand in for Adam). Michelle Pfeiffer as his wife (and stand in for Eve), and Javier Bardem, in the most underappreciated role of his career, as a poet and stand in for God, are all at the top of their game. They draw you in long enough to entice you, only to curb stomp your soul. They really are amazing, and I honestly think they should have all been nominated for Oscars. Every last one of them.