Make It Famous – Rich Nana “Thinking About It”
Celebrity NewsMusic

Make It Famous – Rich Nana “Thinking About It”

“Thinking About It” by rising rap artist  Rich Nana exudes sex. She’s sexy, the song is sexy, the video is sexy, the location of the video is sexy, the clothes are sexy….and the lyrics go beyond sexy. Pussy, fuck, sex, it’s all inclusive and makes for a fun, outrageous, escape from everything.

Rich Nana, age 66…. no that’s not a typo, has taken lust by the horns and has classically made it work to her benefit….and those watching and listening as well. Leaving Cardi B in the dust Diana Foster(stage name Rich Nana), is out there selling a lifestyle. Based in Switzerland and sometimes Spain she was born in the communist Czech Republic and managed to flee to Germany with her mom at age 15. She somehow wound up in Switzerland producing her own reality show and from there she is quickly becoming the endless flame to the fiery rhyme. I’m sure there is an in between story somewhere in there….but who cares when you’re seeing the end result!

“Thinking About It” is about sex, however it’s also about her Versace costumes, her hot male dancers, her director Gils Green (also the video director of Nicki Minaj), and her destination Cuba. Rich Nana has somehow discovered a way to sell sex in a classy fashion, even though you know she’s over the top. Her fan base is massive and growing every day. It is obvious that she enjoys what she’s doing and accomplishing success. She will be releasing a video featuring Snoop Dogg early in the early part of 2021…what a great way to start off the new year.

Keep your eye out for Rich Nana…she promises a good time, as she defies the ground rules and is unburdened by the insanity which surrounds us all. She lives her life as though she’s alive….

5/5 Stars

Rich NaNa “Thinking About It Music Video”

Follow Rich NaNa on IG @therichnana and TikTok @iamrichnana