Christopher Nolan’s Adapting The Odyssey, And As A Literature Fan, I’m So Hyped

Christopher Nolan’s Adapting The Odyssey, And As A Literature Fan, I’m So Hyped

If you have seen any movie, or read any book, about someone undergoing harsh challenges trying to return home, then you know about The Odyssey. It is the textbook representation of the hero’s journey. And while it has been adapted to a film a few times prior, director Christopher Nolan is taking a crack at it, and as a classical literature fan I am so excited.

Christopher Nolan has been hinting for a while that he has a new project in the works, and the day before Christmas Eve, THR revealed that Christopher Nolan’s next film will be an adaptation of The Odyssey. The post also included some of the cast members that will star in the movie; one of the cast members being Tom Holland, which now gives us some context for his earlier hint of being part of a Nolan movie.

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