
After Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood: 9 Other Movie Novelizations We’d Like To Read

Army Of The Dead (2021)

Say what you want about Zack Snyder movies, but I would actually call the director’s Netflix original hybrid of George A. Romero, The Dirty Dozen, and Ocean’s Eleven some of his finest work, if not his best ever (and I really do mean that). However, I can also empathize with critics’ frustration over the details that Army of the Dead introduces but to little avail, such as time loops, how zombies could reproduce, and what the deal is with those zombie robots. We could just wait to see how Snyder intends to answer these questions in possible sequels and the upcoming animated spin-off series, but if some would prefer to have those blanks filled now, I would say that a direct novelization is the way to go.