The Best Books Coming Out in February

The Best Books Coming Out in February

cover of Fundamentally Nussaibah Youniscover of Fundamentally Nussaibah Younis

Fundamentally by Nussaibah Younis

Dr. Nadia Amin publishes an article on how rehabilitating ISIS brides is a possibility, which brings the UN to her door. They offer her a chance to lead a deradicalization program for ISIS-affiliated women, which would take her to Iraqi refugee camps and far away from London and the painful breakup she just experienced. But when she gets to Iraq, she realizes that her being a newbie isn’t exactly well-received. There are also talks that the methods the program uses are unethical. With everything looking bad, Nadia decides to visit the camp with her team—the lawful good (and annoying) Sherry, and Pierre, the perpetual Grindr scroller. Once they get there, Nadia is immediately drawn to Sara, a low-key rude young woman from East London. She’s determined to get Sara home, and the decisions she makes to overcome the obstacles could lead to consequences she never imagined.

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