The Substance Might Not Be For Everyone, But I Want To Talk About The Visceral Self Love Message That’s Still Giving Me Chills

The Substance Might Not Be For Everyone, But I Want To Talk About The Visceral Self Love Message That’s Still Giving Me Chills

Some SPOILERS are ahead for The Substance.

I’m perfectly happy walking out of a movie theater with a smug smile on my face after enjoying a fun little escape out of the corners of my reality to a dark room with a group of strangers. But, every once in a while, a film like The Substance comes along (one of the best horror movies I’ve seen in a while) and I leave a movie theater feeling like the projected images I spent time with left my skin violently sunburnt, and I walk to my car in quiet contemplation of what I just witnessed. I don’t want every trip to the movies to feel like this, but when it happens, I sure remember and treasure the power of movies more.

The body horror movie was given a perfect five-star score in CinemaBlend’s The Substance review, and has been praised by tons of critics, but, it is a lot to stomach. It’s not one I’d readily recommend given its intense nature. Heck, I even thought about walking out at a couple of points, and definitely covered my face in fear. I can only compare my experience of watching The Substance to other intensity found in the insane twist ending in Midsommar or the many feelings I had about Bones And All. But, at the same time, it’s a lot more than blood and guts, or the nudity it has gone viral for. It has a really powerful message to tell about self love that I truly am going to take with me for a long time. I still get chills when I think about it, and now that I’m no longer in the movie’s vicious embrace, I can say I’m happy I went to see it for what I took away about self love.

(Image credit: Mubi)

The Substance Tackles Fear Of Aging With A Powerful Concept

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