Movie Fans Are Talking About Great Casting Choices In Bad Films, And It’s Not Just Henry Cavill Who’s Getting Picked

Movie Fans Are Talking About Great Casting Choices In Bad Films, And It’s Not Just Henry Cavill Who’s Getting Picked

Perfect casting doesn’t always mean a successful movie, and you don’t need to look through the 2024 movie schedule to prove that fact. As luck would have it, some movie fans have started discussing great casting choices wasted on bad films and/or dead end franchises. While Henry Cavill has taken the lead as the patron saint of this particular subject, there are plenty of other candidates that make just as much sense.

The Many Wasted Opportunities Of Henry Cavill

To start us off right, I’m going to include the full prompt that saw the users of Reddit sending their regards to the former Witcher star. It seems only fair, because it’s not just bad movies that are on the menu here. So for a full picture of what we’re dealing with, read the following question:

Actors/Actresses you believe was the perfect casting choice for their role, but at the same time was wasted potential because of the writing/direction of the movie(s)?

Unsurprisingly, Henry Cavill’s work on The Witcher rose through the ranks to be one of the highest rated comments from this pool of Redditors. There’s also mention of the failure to capitalize on the franchise potential started in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Between that mention and the comment that someone posts about Pierce Brosnan’s James Bond movies wasting his talents in the role, my spy movie-loving heart feels quite wounded.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

However, the post’s inspiration came from a more common thorn in the side of cinematic aficionados that I can totally identify with. You see, folks: the Redditor who posed this question used a photo of Cavill from Man of Steel as the bait for this particular hook.

Considering how there are still teases hinting towards a potential future for DC’s Snyder-verse, I still feel those pangs of pain rather freshly – especially since that hot topic in particular lead to a whole raft of A-list comic casting that ultimately went nowhere.

(Image credit: Warner Bros. / Sony Pictures Entertainment / Marvel Studios)

The Graveyard Of Wasted Comic Movie Casting Is Pretty Expansive

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