9 Inspiring Movies And Documentaries About Real People With Disabilities

9 Inspiring Movies And Documentaries About Real People With Disabilities

So often we see people with disabilities as people who are suffering, and that’s if we even see them at all. Disabled people are rarely given center stage and rarely made the subject of any story.  That makes the times that they are given a chance to have their story told, or even better, to tell it themselves, especially important.

In recent years there does seem to have been a more concerted effort to give disabled actors a chance. Sometimes disabled actors appear in roles not written as disabled, which is a welcome change. Many of us learn about the disabled community through documentary films. There are also some dramatic films about disabled people that, while they often are played by able-bodied actors, still have stories worth telling.  Here are some stories, both real and dramatized, about real people with disabilities that should not be overlooked. 

(Image credit: Netflix)

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution 

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