Ahead Of Inside Out 2, IMAX Explains Why Pixar Movies Really Pop On The Big Screen

Ahead Of Inside Out 2, IMAX Explains Why Pixar Movies Really Pop On The Big Screen

Nine years after Pixar released the delightful film Inside Out, the beloved animation studio is finally giving fans the long-awaited sequel. Riley, now thirteen years old, and all her emotions are back for another adventure, and fans can watch the story in all its glory on the big screen right now.

Ahead of the film’s release, in partnership with AMC Theatres, we sent some of CinemaBlend’s editors to IMAX® headquarters in Toronto and Los Angeles to learn about what goes into adapting a movie like Inside Out 2, and not surprisingly, it turns out everyone loves working on Pixar movies. As an example, during our conversation with IMAX’s Sr Manager of Digital Mastering Jeff Dunant, he talked about how there’s something about the animation studio’s color choices that just naturally “pop” on the big screen. Here’s a portion of his quote…

Pixar’s colors are always just so vibrant and striking, especially with the IMAX projection systems. The contrast is so good so the colors just pop. You see all of the emotions of Inside Out 2 and (the) saturated colors the Pixar filmmakers intended.

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