‘It Makes Me Feel Bad About Myself’: Rebel Wilson Shares Candid Thoughts After Gaining 30 Pounds Due To Her Work Schedule

‘It Makes Me Feel Bad About Myself’: Rebel Wilson Shares Candid Thoughts After Gaining 30 Pounds Due To Her Work Schedule

While Rebel Wilson is one of the more humorous stars known around the entertainment industry, she’s also emerged as one of the most candid. The Australia-born actor doesn’t seem to have a problem opening up about certain aspects of her professional and personal life. When it comes to the latter, she’s been particularly honest about her body and how it’s changed. She just recently revealed that she picked up 30 pounds as a result of her work schedule. Wilson certainly didn’t hold back when sharing her thoughts on the matter, even admitting that “it makes me feel bad about myself.” 

The Pitch Perfect cast member has been working very hard as of late, as she continues to book various gigs. One has gotten the feeling that she does appreciate the opportunities that have come her way, though it seems like the work has impacted in a negative way. She dropped a post on Instagram, in which she explained that the stress of her workload caused her to put on weight. The 43-year-old star, who was working 16-hour days months ago, shared even more sentiments regarding how her professional endeavors have impacted her health and fitness aspirations: 

Working really hard has meant that, coz of all the stress, I’ve gained 14kg’s (30 pounds)! It makes me feel bad about myself…it shouldn’t…but it does. I’m really proud of the work I’ve been doing on new movies and my memoir, it’s just been a LOT and I’ve lost focus on my healthy lifestyle. Anyone else going through the same thing?

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