32 Most Surprising Cameos By Athletes In Movies

32 Most Surprising Cameos By Athletes In Movies

Athletes and movie stars have mingled for decades, and while movie stars rarely show up on the sports field, athletes show up in movies quite a bit. Some, like the late Jim Brown, even become professional actors. Here’s a list of the most surprising times an athlete has popped up in a movie. 

Alex Karras in Blazing Saddles

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Alex Karras – Blazing Saddles

Alex Karras had an impressive acting career after he retired from the NFL. Most notably, Karras starred as George Papadopoulos, foster father to Webster on Webster. He was also a professional wrestler as well. By far his funniest role, though, was that of the powerful Mongo in Blazing Saddles. The scene of Mongo riding into town on a bull and punching a horse is cinema history. 

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