
‘Blue’s Clues’ Original Host Steve Burns Makes Surprise Visit on ‘Colbert’

Stephen Colbert tried to hold strong while watching the recent viral video Nick Jr. shared on Twitter of Steve Burns, the original host of popular television series Blue’s Clues, which updated fans on where he went. Burns left abruptly after hosting the show for six years, from 1996 to 2002. But the clip and a surprise visit from Burns during tonight’s The Late Show With Stephen Colbert had the late-night star tearing up.

“I was a grown up in the late Nineties and although I was aware of the show because of my kids, those kids are all grown up and moved away now, so obviously I have no emotional investment in Steve,” Colbert says in the Late Show preview clip.

As he plays the Burns video update, Colbert reacts with questions. “One day I was like ‘Oh hey, guess what, big news, I’m leaving. This is my brother Joe, he’s your new best friend. And then I got on a bus and I left,” Burns says in his update video. “And we didn’t see each other for like a really long time. Can we just talk about that?”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s talk about that. Where’d you go?,” Colbert queries.

“I just kinda got up and went to college. And that was really challenging… but great because I got to use my mind and take a step at a time and now I literally am doing many of the things that I wanted to do,” Burns says.

“Wow I guess I never thought about your needs back then. I’m sorry I didn’t know. Go on,” Colbert responds.

“And then look at you, and look at all you have done, and all you have accomplished in all that time. And it’s just, it’s just so amazing, right?,” Burns continues.

“I have grown a lot. I’m on network now,” Colbert adds.

“We started out with clues and now it’s what? Student loans, and jobs, and families. And some of it has been kind of hard, you know?,” Burns video concludes. “I guess I just wanted to say that after all these years, I never forgot you, ever. And I’m super glad we’re still friends. Thanks for listening.”

While Colbert insists the show was for his children and “I am a man, and by definition I feel nothing,” it’s clear Burns’ video moved him. Burns pays Colbert a surprise visit to make sure he’s OK, and they hug it out in a comforting gesture that Blue’s Clues and Burns fans all crave.