
Yup, Carrie Underwood and Zach Swon Went to College Together

Carrie Underwood and the Swon Brothers are now well-known in the country music scene, but their relationship goes way back to their college days.

Underwood and Zach Swon both attended Northeastern State University. They were in a show together, and they also both took a country music theater class.

“The class was so small,” Swon tells Taste of Country Nights. “It was a night class, and there was probably only eight people in it.”

The classmates had a standing agreement: Every week, since class was held on Tuesday night, a different person had to bring dinner. Underwood’s cuisine of choice, Swon says, was pizza.

“Carrie worked at a place called Sam and Ella’s Pizza, and it was awesome; it was right there by campus,” he says. “So … every time it was her turn, that’s what she would bring into the class.”

Underwood withdrew from college during her time on American Idol in 2004 and 2005, just three credits away from earning her degree. She graduated magna cum laude in 2006, about a year after winning Idol.

Press play on this installment of Taste of Country‘s You Think You Know Country? series to learn more fun facts about Underwood, like what gives her panic attacks.

LOOK: Carrie Underwood’s Best Live Shots