Celebrity News

Check Out the Most Surprising Celeb Transformations of the Week

The Miz has been busy!

The reality star and pro wrestler shared his health journey with his 3.4 million Instagram followers on April 14, sharing before-and-after photos to address his recent weight loss.

“The picture on the left was taken on January 8, 2021. The one on the right was taken on April 11th, 2021,” he captioned the post. “I set out on a journey to not only get ripped, but to get healthier. I started at 220lbs and currently I am at 206lbs.”

He continued to reveal how he achieved his impressive results, included weight training four days a week for three months and eliminating gluten, dairy and soy from his diet.

“I’m doing my best to make sure I can continue to do my job at the highest level for many years to come. This routine for 3 months has now turned into a habit I want to keep,” the Miz continued. “I love the way I look and feel. There are tough days where I just want to eat like crap, and honestly, I’ll indulge. I know there are no short cuts. You have to put in the work for the results you want. There is no secret drink or pill that’s going to get you ripped. It takes work and lots of it.”